Thursday 31 December 2009

malam tahun baru

mencob untuk tabah di pergantian tahun

Tuesday 29 December 2009


Saya nggak mengerti kenapa ya tiap akan entry baru ada tulisan salah formulir, gimana ini?


Suasana Pantai Balerejo Minggu 13,12, 2009
Hai, ini hari yang menyenangkan bagi kami semua, dimana kami dapat membuat kami lebih refresh untuk menghilangkan lebih kelelahan setelah kami belajar mengajar dengan semua kepenatan. Lihat mereka bias tersenyum lebar, itu lihat si Rokani dengan berkacak pinggang tersenyum lebar. Teruskan dan lanjutkan program ini,

Makan yang lahab Pak Han biar sehat dan segar dan juga Pak Panidi biar tetap besar dan kuat untuk hadapi UN 2009. Pak Samsul sepertinya ndak peduli yang penting makan yang banyak biar bias renang dan selesaikan kulaiahnya di S2 UNS. Kerjakan semua tugasnya ya…Pak. Dan cepat lulus. Untuk Si Biru ini biasanya dapat jatah 2 kali tandhuk makannya…………kasihan dech Pak hanya satu kali aja sudah menyerah. Sedang dalam keadaan pusing dan panas………..ok…Pak Ularnya dicari lagi buat pemandangan yang bagus , jangan memandang yang gitu……….gitu………….aja . gimana kalau ditawari dan diajak beneran….he…he….

Habiskan Pak, jangan sisakan yang lain…………..

Mandi terus…………..sampai kulitnya ganti jadi hitam kelam, segar sekali ya kelihatannya……….bisa berdiri, tiduran, duduk dan diving……….tetapi jangan sampai lupa lho………..dengan keluarga……….ini mandi yang paling lama yang saya temui dari jam 13.00- 16.00………….duh rasanya…

honey tabrakan

Sabtu, 26,12,2009 pukul 05.30 pagi adalah hari yang bersejarah bagi keluarga kecil kami, karena pada saat itu dimana umat Nasrani sedang memperingati Natal dan menyongsong tahun baru dan kami sedang menunggu malam tanggal 10 suro,dimana berkah akan terwujud bagi kami semua untuk mengingat peringatan yang penuh dengan kenikmatan ruhani. Kami sekeluarga pulang dari Kediri sehabis melalukan liburan di rumah Nenek Honey ,Nggumul,Kranggan Kediri. Tepat di pertigaan SMP I N Prambon kami dari arah selatan mengendarai sepeda motor hijau Suzuki Shogun bertiga, Saya, Ibunya Honey dan Honey. Saat itu saya yang memegang setir, Biasa kami saling bergantian menyetir di saat diantara kami ada yang leleh. Honey di tengah dan Ibunya Honey di belakang.Saat itu Honey sedang tidur nyenyak. Tiba-tiba ada sepeda motor merah Honda bebek 80, berbelok ke kanan arah pertigaan SMPN I Prambon dari arah yang sama dengan kami dan tepat didepan kami dengan jarak 2 meter, tanpa memberi aba-aba sama sekali, baik dengan tangan atau dengan lampu sein bahkan tak menoleh kebelakang melihat apa ada motor atau tidak sebelum melakukan belokan. Tanpa dapat saya hindari, ban depan motor saya menyenggol belakang motor perempuan berjilbab itu, dan kalimat Allahuakbar…….secara reflek keluar dari mulutku. Saya berusaha mengendalikan motor yang terguncang karena senggolan itu. Namun ternyata saya tidak dapat mengendalikan motor saya dan akhirnya saya tidak sadar entah beberapa detik telah jatuh ke tanah diseberang timur jalan, dan motor terhenti setelah menabrak Baliho yang baru aja dipasang malamnya dan motor itu kuncinya terpegang saya lepas dari motor dan motornya masih menyala. Langsung saya matikan motor itu. Saya melihat Honey saat itu sudah berdiri mencari Ibunya. Dia mencari ibunya sambil menangis, dan langsung ketemu ibu berada di sebelahnya. Dia langsung dipeluk ibunya, Dia menangis menahan rasa sakit dan memegang kaki kananya. Langsung saya periksa mengenai kakinya apa patah atau tidak, ternyata kakinya yang kanan terluka kulitnya terkelupas tepat dibawah mata kaki sebelah kanan.Dia menangis terus sambil mengatakan ini bgaimana dan “ aku ndak mau di bawa ke rumah sakit “ saya takut….dan ibunya melerai untuk tidak menangis dan menjelaskan bahwa lukanya tidak apa-apa, bahkan dia mengatakan bahwa lukanya masih lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan ibunya.Tetapi tetap saja Honey terus menangis.
Saya juga melihat Ibunya Honey saat itu duduk sambil menahan rasa sakit dibagian kakinya, celana yang dipakainya robek dari mulai bawah kaki kanan sampai atas lutut bagian dalam. Saya piker lukaIbunya Honey hanya kecil saja, ternyata ada luka besar tepat dibawa lutut dalam dengan luka kulit terkelupas terlihat kulit dalam putih.
Saat itu sudah banyak orang yang mengerumuni kami, salah satu diantara kami ada yang membawakan kami minuman aqua gelas sejumlah 3 buah dan diberikan kepada kami, tetapi kami tidak langsung kami minum karena nafas kami semua belum stabil dan saya khawatir nanti akan tersedak meminumnya jadi kami biarkan aqua tersebut,ada juga dianatara mereka yang mendirikan sepeda motor kami yang masih jatuh dan dibawa ke pinngir di depan took sebelah timur jalan. Saya akhirnya memohon bantuan kepada salah seorang Bapak yang telah meminggirkan sepeda motor tadi untuk mengangkat Honey untuk dibawa ke pinggir di depan teras toko tersebut.Sedangkan saya membantu Ibunya saya bantu berdiri dan berjalan tertatih menahan rasa sakit saya ajak jalan ke pinggir masuk teras toko tersebut.
Honey tetap menangis sambil berlalri mutar-mutar di depan teras toko.Dia tak tahan dengan rasa sakit yang ada pada kakinya. Ibunya meringis juga menahan rasa sakit perih dan panas.saya sendiri saya lihat kaki kanan saya juga terluka kecil tetapi rasa perih dan sakit terasa juga.dan enak kata Honey, karena katanya ayah hanya terluka kecil. Honey tak berhenti menangis tetap lari lari terus menahan rasa sakit kakinya tak merasa capek. Ibunya sampai berulang kali melerai bahwa lukanya tidak apa-apa. Saya juga melihat perempuan yang mengendarai Honda 80 tadi, dia berdiri disebelah selatan teras dibelakang Ibunya Honey. Ibunya Honey saat itu mengatakan kepada perempuan itu, “ Mbak nanti lagi kalau berbelok lihat dulu ke belakang atau nyalakan lampu reting dulu” dengan sabarnya. Sementara saya agak menahan marah dengan tekanan agak tinggi mengatakan, “ Kalau belok lihat dulu di belakang, jangan langsung aja, atau berhenti di tengah ndak apa-apa”. Dengan santainya dia menjawab” saya lihat pakai spion dan saya piker masih jauh dari motor saya” juga saya Tanya mengapa tidak menyalakan lampu reting ( sein ) ? . dengan santai juga dia mengatakan “ Motor saya ndak ada retingnya”.
Saya melihat Ibunya Honey kelihatannya sudah tidak bias menahan rasa sakit, akhirnya saya putuskan untuk langsung aja pulang, sambil mengemasi barang-barang kami yang sudah di kemasi perempuan tadi. Saya nyalakan sepeda motor dan Alhamdulillah masih bias nyala dan saya pakai lagi bertiga untuk pulang ke Banjaranyar, saya naik dan Ibunya Honey sudah agak tidak bisa jalan akhirnya saya tuntun ke jok belakang,sementara Honey di tolong Bapak tadi diangkat naik speda motor.
Saya tidak menyadari bahwa telapak tangan sebelah kanan saya juga terluka baru ketika dalam perjalanan saya merasakan sakit telapak tangan itu ketika menyetir sepeda motor tersebut.
Alhamdulillah, akhirnya kami sampai juga ke rumah. Saat itu neneknya Honey sedang menanti membeli tempe di depan rumah sebelah timur. Langsung saja Honey berteriak kepada neneknya, “ Mbah aku tabrakann…………”!jawab mbahnya,” Sopo le sing tabrakan …..?”. langsung Honey menjawabab,”…….aku mbah……..‼.
Tobe continued……….

Fungsi Lab Bahasa

Fungsi Laboratorium Bahasa
Ada beberapa laboratorium di suatu sekolah yaitu, laboratorium IPA yang terdiri dari laboratorium kimia, fisika dan biologi, laboratorium komputer dan laboratorium bahasa.
Belajar bahasa asing di sekolah dapat dilakukan melalui beberapa cara. Berdasarkan sudut pandang tempat belajar dapat dibagi menjadi 3 cara penyampaian. Pelajaran secara konvensional dilakukan di dalam ruangan kelas. Sesekali penyampaian juga dapat dilakukan di alam terbuka di luar kelas. Secara modern kegiatan belajar mengajar bahasa asing dilakukan di suatu ruangan yang disebut laboratorium bahasa. Apa perbedaan dari 3 hal di atas?
1. Pelajaran di dalam kelas. Guru menyampaikan materi kepada semua siswa secara satu arah. Bertanya kepada semua siswa atau secara satu persatu. Guru dituntut bergerak secara aktif menjangkau seluruh penjuru kelas agar dapat lebih memperhatikan setiap siswa.
2. Di Alam Terbuka. Komunikasi guru dengan siswa dilakukan seperti penyampaian dalam ruangan. Tetapi materi diharapkan dapat disampaikan secara lebih interaktif dan menyenangkan. Kelemahan pembelajaran dengan metode ini dikarenakan ketergantungannya terhadap cuaca dan kondisi lingkungan luar kelas tersebut.
3. Ruangan Laboratorium Bahasa Jika peralatan laboratorium bahasa didesain secara maksimal maka peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa asing dapat terjadi secara signifikan. Simulasi berbagai cara berkomunikasi dapat dilakukan.
Pembelajaran bahasa asing melalui laboratorium bahasa dibagi menjadi 3 fungsi dasar yaitu, percakapan (conversation), mendengarkan (listening) dan fungsi manajemen instruktur dalam mengatur kegiatan belajar mengajar. Agar tercapai tingkat sangat mahir maka suatu perangkat laboratorium bahasa yang sangat lengkap mempunyai lebih dari 50 fasilitas dan fungsi lab bahasa sebagai sarana pembelajaran.
Fungsi laboratorium bahasa sebagai sarana pembelajaran yang umum digunakan adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Listening. Siswa mendengarkan melalui bantuan perangkat elektronik yang tersedia.
• Listening all. Semua siswa dapat langsung diarahkan untuk mendengarkan materi pelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru pada salah satu Channel.
• Individu. Siswa dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok secara acak maupun tetap (tergantung desain laboratorium bahasa) kemudian setiap kelompok dapat diarahkan untuk mendengarkan maksimal 3 materi yang berbeda pada setiap Channel.
• Student select. Siswa dapat memilih sendiri materi pelajaran yang ingin didengarkan dari 3 Channel yang tersedia melalui panel siswa (tombol A, B atau C).
2. Conversation. Siswa melakukan berbagai jenis percakapan.
• Pair Row dan Pair Coloumn. Siswa secara berpasangan bercakap-cakap. Percakapan dapat dilakukan dengan teman semeja atau teman di belakang/depan meja.
• Fix Group. Siswa dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kelompok. Ada desain laboratorium bahasa yang mengkelompokkan menjadi 2 kelompok saja ada yang lebih. Intinya percakapan siswa dilakukan secara berkelompok.
• Random Group. Anggota tiap kelompok dipilih secara acak. Melalui fungsi ini maka instruktur dapat lebih mudah membagi siswa berdasarkan tingkat kepandaian dan memindahkan keanggotaan kelompok setiap saat.
3. Attention. Instruktur menyampaikan materi atau pengumuman.
• Attention all. Instruktur menyampaikan pengumuman atau materi pembelajaran kepada SEMUA SISWA dan melalui speaker ruangan

• Attentioin channel. Instruktur menyampaikan materi kepada SISWA YANG BERADA DALAM KELOMPOK TERTENTU.
4. Monitoring. Instruktur menjalankan fungsi pengawasan terhadap kegiatan siswa.
• Monitoring Channel. Instruktur memperhatikan percakapan SEKELOMPOK SISWA DI GROUP TERTENTU.

• Monitoring Individual. Instruktur memperhatikan pembicaraan SEORANG SISWA SECARA KHUSUS. Baik ketika siswa tersebut berada dalam kelompok atau saat sedang berpasangan.

5. Intercom. Siswa dapat melakukan panggilan untuk percakapan dengan guru demikian pula sebaliknya.
• Intercom Group. Instruktur melakukan percakapan dengan kelompok siswa yang dihubungi.
• Intercom Individu. Seorang siswa menghubungi instruktur untuk melakukan percakapan dengannya.
6. Text to Speech.
Guru dapat menuliskan text dalam bahasa Inggris untuk secara otomatis diucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris oleh Komputer . Pengucapan text dapat diatur kecepatan dan jenis suaranya.
7. Multimedia Control.
Perangkat lunak juga menyediakan kendali khusus untuk operasional file-file audio/video yang dapat digunakan untuk memberikan pelajaran khusus berbasis multimedia.
8. Audio Record.
Guru dapat merekam suara dalam bentuk file-file audio untuk keperluan soal, pengumuman atau hal-hal lain yang membutuhkan file audio.
9. Audio Control.
Guru dapat mengatur materi pelajaran atau suara apa yang masuk melalui empat Channel suara yang ada.
10. Database.
Setiap kelas yang akan menggunakan Laboratorium Bahasa harus diisikan database-nya terlebih dahulu dalam komputer. Di mulai dari Nama Kelas, Tahun Ajaran dan Semester yang berlaku, Nama siswa beserta nama panggilannya, Nomor induk serta Nomor meja yang ditempati oleh siswa sebagai identitasnya. Jadi setiap kelas akan memiliki databasenya sendiri-sendiri.
Istilah-istilah yang digunakan terkadang berbeda-beda jadi harus diperhatikan penjelasan dari setiap fungsi laboratorium bahasa. Fungsi-fungsi dasar di atas digunakan secara bertahap mulai dari tingkat penggunaan pengetahun dasar pada tahun pertama sampai dengan tahap menengah. Pada tahun ketiga diharapkan semua fungsi laboratorium bahasa sudah digunakan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa asing.

Monday 28 December 2009

Mokh.Munirul Ikwan: Honeyku

Mokh.Munirul Ikwan: Honeyku


Wejangan Syech Abdulloh Syukur pada Pengajian Khusus Setiap Malam Jum’at Legi Periode I (1994 – 2004)



Allah jadikan saraba ampat
Syariat thoriqot hakikat makrifat
Menjadi satu di dalam kholwat
Rasa nyamannya tiada tersurat

“Allah menjadikan serba empat”, diterangkan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur di baris berikutnya, serba empat yang pertama adalah “syariat, thoriqot, hakikat, makrifat”.
Urut-urutan ini seolah-olah sesuatu yang baku untuk beberapa dekade. Tidak jelas dalil atau dasarnya (Qur’an – Haditsnya), tapi banyak yang memakai urut-urutan tingkatan atau tahap yang harus ditempuh seperti itu, yaitu syariat dulu (syariat di sini bisa dipahami sebagai ajaran agama yang mengatur wujud lahir manusia), baru thoriqoh (thoriqoh sendiri artinya “jalan”, bisa dipahami sebagai masa transisi atau proses dari syariat menuju hakekat), baru setelah itu hakekat (hakekat bisa diartikan esensi atau jiwa atau hal-hal yang menyangkut isi dari agama), baru kemudian makrifat (ma’rifat di sini bisa dipahami ma’rifatulloh, yaitu mengenal Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya kenal).
Sebagai bahan rujukan di salah satu hadits disebutkan, “awalauddin ma’rifatulloh”, “awal di dalam beragama adalah ma’rifatulloh”. (Tetapi kenapa ma’rifatulloh itu ditempatkan pada tahap yang terakhir??)

“Menjadi satu di dalam kholwat”, “kholwat” adalah salah satu “riyadhoh”, atau salah satu latihan bagi shalik, dimana saat ber-kholwat itu seluruh perhatian, jiwa, raga, rasa, semata-mata ditujukan pada Allah. Hal ini berarti, menurut Syech Abdulloh Syukur, syariat, thoriqot, hakekat, dan ma’rifat, keempat-empatnya itu “dilakukan” saat ber-kholwat.
Keterangan tambahan, kholwat ini biasanya dipahami oleh sebagian orang yaitu “riyadhoh” yang dilakukan Nabi Muhammad saat beliau berada di gua Hiro’.
Karena secara jelas, jarang sekali ada yang membahas tentang apa yang dilakukan Nabi di gua Hiro’, dan secara syariat atau hukum-hukumnya bagaimana??
Padahal hal itulah yang intensif dilakukan Nabi Muhammad sebelum pengangkatan kenabian. Kadang 7 hari, kadang 10 hari, kadang 21 hari, kadang 40 hari bahkan diceritakan pernah hampir 2 tahun Nabi Muhammad berada di Gua Hiro’.

“Rasa nyamannya tiada tersurat”. Rasa ber-kholwat, dalam bersyariat, thoriqot, hakekat, ma’rifat, digambarkan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur sebagai rasa yang tidak bisa dilukiskan (diistilahkan “tiada tersurat”), hanya para pelaku-pelaku kholwat saja yang bisa merasakannya.


Huruf Allah ampat banyaknya
Alif i’tibar dari pada Dzat-Nya
Lam awal dan akhir sifat dan Asma-Nya
Ha isyarat dari af’al-Nya

Inilah penjelasan yang kedua tentang serba empat. Yaitu diambil dari huruf Allah, Alif, Lam, Lam, Ha, yang jumlahnya adalah empat.
“Alif i’tibar dari pada Dzat-Nya”, “Lam awal dan akhir sifat dan Asma-Nya”, “Ha isyarat dari af’al-Nya”.
Saya buka di naskah lain, yaitu naskah dari Syeh Muhyiddin yang masih tersimpan di PP. Sonojejer tentang “Martabat tujuh”, tampak ada hubungan erat antara pengertian “martabat tujuh” dengan yang dijelaskan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur ini. Yaitu yang diterangkan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur melalui sarana huruf-huruf dalam kata “Allah” ini, menerangkan 4 martabat yang juga diterangkan dalam “martabat tujuh”.
Dan ini membuat muncul kesimpulan awal bahwa Syech Abdulloh Syukur juga memperoleh pelajaran tentang “martabat tujuh” ini. Untuk pemahaman istilah-istilah ini lebih baik Anda kholwat di Gua Shafarwadi Syeh Abdul Muhyi, Pamijahan.


Jibril, Mikail Malaikat mulia
Isyarat sifat Jalal dan Jamal
Izrail, Israfil rupa pasangannya
I’tibar sifat Qohar dan Kamal

Serba emapt yang ketiga dijelaskan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur, dengan menjelaskan Malaikat-malaikat tertentu yaitu Jibril, Mikail, Izrail dan Israfil. Dimana dijelaskan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur di sini, malaikat Jibril dan Mikail sebagai malaikat mulia – “Jibril, Mikail Malaikat mulia” –. Isyarat dari sifat Jalal dan Jamalnya Allah (artinya Jalal dan Jamal – lihat di Aurod Sholat Daim Asma’ul Husna). Sementara itu pasangannya adalah malaikat Izrail dan Israfil sebagai i’tibar sifat Allah yang Maha Qohar dan Maha Kamal (artinya Qohar dan Kamal baca pula di Aurod Sholat Daim Asma’ul Husna).


Jabar Ail asal katanya
Bahasa Suryani asal mulanya
Kebesaran Allah itu artinya
Jalalulloh bahasa Arabnya

Syech Abdulloh Syukur di sini menerangkan serba empat yang keempat tetapi dengan bahasa tersirat, karena di sini, dibahas tentang asal muasal Jalalulloh dari bahasa wahyu menjadi bahasa lahir yaitu bahasa Arab.
Apakah Qur’an itu diturunkan Allah dalam bahasa Arab?? Maha Suci Allah, hanya Allah yang tahu bahasa wahyu itu.
“Jabar Ail” ini sebagai dimaksudkan atau diistilahkan komunikasi awal antara Allah dengan Jibril (memakai bahasa “wallohu ‘alam”). Mengacu dari nama “Jibril” menjadi “Jabar Ail”, tahap yang kedua diterangkan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur, “Bahasa Suryani asal mulanya”, Bahasa Suryani di sini sering dipahami sebagai bahasa malaikat, mirip-mirip bahasa Arab, tapi tidak bisa diartikan meskipun ada makananya.
Contoh lain bahasa Suryani, “bi ajin ahujin jalajalyu tu jaljalat”, saya “intip” dari kitab rahasia yang biasanya dibaca dengan ritme tertentu dalam suatu kelompok mistis tasawuf.
Tahap ketiga yaitu “Kebesaran Allah itu artinya”, dalam tahap ini, berarti bahasa “wahyu” tadi sudah bisa diterima oleh manusia, dan baru diberi simbol atau bentuk, karena lewatnya Muhammad si Orang Arab, maka menjadilah “Jalalulloh bahasa Arabnya”.


Nur Muhammad barmula nyata
Asal jadi alam semesta
Saumpama api dengan panasnya
Itulah Muhammad dengan Tuhannya

Di sini, tampak lebih jelas bahwa Syech Abdulloh Syukur atau Mbah Dull ini, lagi-lagi menjelaskan pelajaran tentang “martabat tujuh”, baik yang dikarang oleh Syeh Abdul Muhyi maupun karya Haji Hasan Mustapa, yang ujung-ujungnya akan kita temui dalam pendapat Ibnu Arobi, Nur Muhammad diyakini sebagai asal muasal penciptaan alam semesta.
Dijelaskan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur di baris kedua, “Asal jadi alam semesta”. Di pembahasan tentang “martabat tujuh” di kitab yang saya sebutkan di atas, “Nur Muhammad” ini berada pada martabat “wahdah”, atau martabat yang kedua, tempatnya sifat Allah. Lihat perkataan Syeh Abdulloh Syukur sendiri pada bagian [2] Alif i’tibar dari pada Dzat-Nya, Lam awal adalah sifat-Nya.
Dengan jelas dikatakan di baris berikutnya, “Saumpama api dengan panasnya”, “Itulah Muhammad dengan Tuhannya”. Api adalah perlambang Dzat-Nya, sedang panas perlambang dari sifat api atau sifat dari Dzat-Nya tadi. Ini juga disebutkan dalam “martabat tujuh”, yaitu martabat “ahadiyah” dan “wahdah”.
Ada kesamaan pemahaman.


Api dan banyu tanah dan hawa
Itulah dia alam dunia
Manjadi awak barupa-rupa
Tulang sumsum daging dan darah

Serba empat yang berikutnya di sini diterangkan oleh Syech Abdulloh Syukur yaitu api, air, tanah dan udara (hawa), inilah yang menjadi unsur-unsur terbentuknya jasmani manusia. “Itulah dia alam dunia”, kata Syech Abdulloh Syukur, “Menjadi badan yang bermacam-macam”, (“menjadi awak barupa-rupa”). “Tulang sumsum daging dan darah”. Kembali lagi penurunan air menjadi tulang, api menjadi darah, tanah menjadi daging dan hawa (udara) menjadi sungsum, kita temui juga dalam bahasan “martabat tujuh”.


Honey pada hari sabtu jam 6 pagi mengalami kecelakaan, motornya ambruk karena dipotong jalan didepannya oleh honda 80 warna merah. Honey jatuh bersama ayah dan ibu. Honey kakinya terluka, ia menangis dan larilari putar menahan rasa sakit. Ibunya meringis juga dan ayah enak sekali karena luka kecil.

Tuesday 19 May 2009


(A Classroom Action Research in SMPN 2 Baron in 2007/2008Academic Year)


S 890707011


M.M.IKWAN. Improving the Students’ Writing Capability Using Picture in SMP Negeri 2 Baron: A Classroom Action Research in SMP Negeri 2 Baron in 2007/2008Academic Year. Thesis, Surakarta, English Education Department, Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University, 2009

The objective of the research is to examine whether or not picture can improve the students’ writing capability in descriptive text. Beside that, the research is also designed to study how the picture media as a technique should be used to improve the students writing capability in descriptive text.

The research was carried out at Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Negeri 2 Baron, Nganjuk, East Java, from October 2008 to February 2009 (employing A Collaborative Action Research). The subjects of the research are thirty three students of Class IX SMP Negeri 2 Baron, Nganjuk, consisting of nineteen girl students and thirteen boy students. The data were obtained from several techniques including test, collaborative observation, interview, questionnaires, and document analysis. To analyze quantitative data the researcher applied a descriptive statistics, comprising the following the dimensions: highest and lowest score, and means. To analyze the qualitative data, the researcher applied constant comparative method by Glaser and Strauss.

The finding reveal that the program of improving the students’ writing capability using picture is successful viewed from some dimensions. First, pictures can develop the student’s writing capability in descriptive text very effectively, their writing descriptive are better than before, especially in exploring the ideas, using organization, word choice, and vocabulary. In addition, their written of descriptive text are improved in language elements, especially in using grammar, punctuation and spelling. The second, motivation, and interest of the students are higher when joining in every discussion of task in English Class. They are very happy, enthusiastic and more active and creative in making the outline, finishing tasks, and writing draft. Besides that, activities using picture make their relationship improve, especially in developing group-work studying with their friends in teaching learning process.

The research findings of this study imply that picture is very important. Therefore, it is recommended that (1) the teacher should be more creative, active and innovative and use some variety of the pictures and get them from the some sources in teaching learning process; (2) English teachers and the school institution facilitate to establish the English Writing Corner or English Wall Magazine with its programs to continue the improvement of the study and express their capability in writing texts occasionally; and (3) the government facilitates to establish the English Writing Contest, which encourage and stimulate the students to express their experiences and knowledge in writing competition which can be held for the students in level regency periodically.

A. Introduction

This section presents the activities, which were done before the action of using picture in genre based approach. It includes (1) preliminary reflection, and (2) fact finding analysis.

1. Preliminary reflection

Based on the preliminary reflection conducted on 15 April 2008 on the class IX-B at SMP Negeri 2 Baron, the number of the students in the classroom was 33, the researcher used three kinds of collecting data. They were test, questionnaire, and interview. He gave a test and used a modification of analytic score to write paragraphs. The researcher found that: student’s average score of the test was 58.30. The students who got score 65 or 0.41 were 14 students. They were well classified. The rest or 0.59 of them were classified failed. The element of the worst score was grammar or 0.43. The average score of the content score was classified adequate or 0.64. The average score of organization was more adequate or 0.63. The punctuation was more adequate 0.61 and spelling and grammar elements were considered difficult. They were 0.59 and 0.50. So, the writer can summarize that they still could not write sentences or paragraphs well.

Furthermore, based on the questionnaire instruments, the researcher found that the student’s difficulty in writing. The students who had difficulty in writing paragraph were 80.3, in determining of punctuation 63.64, in recalling of vocabulary 63.64, in determining of grammar 69.70. Furthermore, 75.76 of them needed a long a time to write a paragraph.

2. Fact finding analysis

Based on the questionnaire, the researcher found that there were several causes of the problems above namely; the students who had lack of vocabulary were 72.73. The teacher, who didn’t give outlines to his students to guide them in writing sentences or paragraphs, was 69.70. There was no media or picture to support or guide was 60.61 and, no dictionary was 72.73.

In addition, based on the interview, the researcher asked the students to know what the most difficult of four aspects of English capability. Most of students answered that writing was the most difficult among them, and then the second was speaking. The writer found out the students difficulties were in recalling vocabulary, in making grammatical sentences, and in creating the outline.

Furthermore, based on the interviewed with some others subject’s teachers, especially their guide classroom, due the fact that she had known more information about her students, she told that some good students and who students had to be needed more attention. The researcher also interviewed the previous English teacher and Mathematics’ teacher that had taught in the classroom. They told that students of IX-B had some weaknesses namely; they had low motivation to study and did not care when a teacher touch in the classroom. They were noisy followed some lesson and often talked their selves, no active and creative in discussing the lessons and just keep silent. Even some students were no care with their lesson, did not finish the homework, and often came late in the classroom.

Based on the result of the preliminary research above, the researcher could identify and analyze the real problems faced by the students in learning and teaching English was writing skill writing

B. Writing Competence and Picture

Writing is a method of communication. It uses marks that the people see and understand. The marks which people use to write English are the letters of the alphabet. They stand for sounds. At a very young age, the people memorize the letters of their alphabet and sounds. Once they have done that, they can combine the marks into words and sentences. Other people can understand them. They can understand what other people have written. They also can write down their thoughts just for their selves, and develop them in their life (Encarta, 2008: 1).

Daniels in Ager (2008: 1) defines that writing is used to represent or express the ideas or feelings in such a way that it can be recovered more completely of a system of more or less permanent symbols. Furthermore, Coulmas in Ager (2008: 1) defines a writing system as a set of visible or related to touch signs used to represent units of language in a systematic way. Here, he says that writing is a system of signs which can be seen or appear and obviuos, it used to express the unit of languge that the people comprehension of the message easily (http://www. omn /writing/ definition .htm, accessed 6 March 2008).

In supporting definitions of writing, Sutanto, et al. (2007: 1) says that writing is a process of expressing ideas or thoughts in words should be done at our leisure. He says that we can not do something or expressing the ideas or feeling in words or in sentences while we are getting some interventions.The condition of writer which relaxing and enjoyable will be explorer a long visible of ideas or feelings and the result of these, the writer can write well, it means he able to move a pen , or find key words, remember rules of grammar and syntax, place the brain in order that make sense, and think a head to what to write next (Nathan V at all 2002: 01), ( misunderstood minds/ writing basics .html ,accessed: 23 December 2007).

Based on the definitions above, it can be conclude that writing is a means or process of communications done in leisure time to express the ideas or feelings in words or sentences of a language system.

Descriptive Writing is writing which represent or describe of people, places, things, moments and theories with enough clear, powerful and detail images in the mind to help the reader create the mental picture of what is being written about (Everett 1997 : 1, at /acadwrite/ descriptive .html accessed:8 April 2008). Based on the statement above, descriptive writing wants to say and write about someone or something clearly , detail, and accurately that the reader have a picture in their mind, so they will be easy and understand what we have written a topic. Enhance, the writer could complete the writing by giving the illustration, and some techniques which make the description more clearly and accurately to comprehend and understand deeply. Furthermore, (The E (English) Team 2006: 53) they say that describing is like painting a picture with words so that our listener or reader has a picture in their mind about the particular things described.

Then, the writer should consider about something before teaching of writing description, namely: (1) thinking or focusing of a particular situation, event, and fact in general that you want to describe; (2) why this particular instance importance is; (3) describing its characteristics, parts, or qualities; (4) Where object located in relation to where you were; (5) How the surroundings reminded you of other places you have been; (6) Using your senses to describe the particular thing, describe how to it sight, tastes, look like, sounds, feels, smells, it is like at that time and before; (7) What you want the reader to feel after reading the paper, (8) Using descriptive words: adjective and adverbs; (9) You can think of another situation that was similar to the one you are writing about, and how it can help explain what you are writing about; and (10) Is there enough detail in your essay to create a mental image for the reader? (The E (English) Team 2006: 53 and Everett 1997: 1, at http: //leostcloudstate. edu/acadwrite /descriptive.html accessed:8 April 2008).

Additionally, some functions writing descriptions, the students have opportunity to enjoy the description, identify the tense used, underline the verbs, adjective, and learn new vocabulary (The E (English) Team 2006 : 54). Furthermore, the students will enjoy description by knowing the content of description and study more about part of speech, tenses that make them easy to make a paragraph description using their own words and help them to develop their new vocabulary and ideas by describing the events, facts, and feeling which happened in their environment and surroundings.

There are some ideas, which can help the teachers and the students for learning activities to apply, interpret, or create the descriptive text. These are: (1) writing a descriptive text based on the picture; (2) getting data by interviewing someone and change the data into a descriptive text; (3) observing an object and make it a descriptive text; (4) making a picture based on a descriptive text read by the teacher or classmate; (5) making an imaginary creature and write the description, then describe it orally to classmate who will draw a picture based on the oral description; (6) comparing, then contrasting (or vice versa); (7) first doing one idea, then doing the other; (8) Writing only about the comparable and contrastable elements of each idea; and (9) Only comparing or only contrasting (Cogdill 2007: 1-3, at contrast .html accessed:8 April 2008).

Moreover, one of ideas to develop to create a descriptive text is the students write text based on the picture, The E (English) Team (2006:54) states those ideas for learning activities to interpret or create descriptive text, the students write a descriptive text based on the picture. Based on the picture students get ideas to complete the outline or table which content about the name of objects or things, definition, and general structure, hopefully students can write a good paragraph and the readers can observe and understand what the students write in real life situation.

Based the theories above, it can be concluded that a descriptive text is used to create a vivid image of a person, place, or thing in a text. It draws on all of the senses, not merely the visual. Its purpose is to enable the reader to share the writer’s sensory experience of the subject.

In another one, picture is a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface, (Google 2008: 1). In addition, picture is a visual representation or image painted, drawn, photographed or otherwise rendered on a flat surface, (David 2005:1, at http://64 .233 .167.104 /search?q =cache: M B difference%22+by+word%22+picture+and+image%22&hl=en&start=1). Otherwise, picture is something drawn or painted: a shape or set of shapes and lines drawn, painted, or printed on paper, canvas, or some other flat surface, especially shapes that represent a recognizable form or object. Microsoft® Encarta® 2008.

In common usage, Wikipedia (2008: 1) picture is an artifact that reproduces the likeness of some subject--usually a physical object or a person, at (, accessed 3 July 2008). Furthermore, (Google 2008: 2) picture means any visual representation of an object, person, or phenomenon, whether (www .combat /CombatCameraTerms .doc, accessed 3 July 2008).

In one another, still picture is one of six types of visuals commonly found in the classroom situation. It is one and projected visual that represents of people, places, and things (Smaldino, et al. (2005: 239-240). Still pictures are photographic commonly used in instructions and illustration objects or things in studying of lessons topics. Pictures in instructional objective can motivate students to use them in studying purposes.

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that picture is a tool visual, which helps the students to represent an object, place, and people in real that can be produced on a flat surface.

Visuals of various kinds (photographs, paintings, diagrams, illustrations) are essential to a good art program (Ryan 1993: 1, at http://www.mun. ca/educ /faculty /mwatch/vol2/ryan2.html, accessed 3 July 2008). Furthermore, Dingli (2000: 1) says art is a creative and intuitive form of expression, and an interesting picture appeals to the affective domain of the learner, and it can stimulate a great number of interpretations. There is seldom a single correct answer, as is the case in grammar-based lessons. Besides providing the basis of creative writing and speaking through their open-ended, pictures support language use and communication in another way. They convey information, which can be shared, and they remind the learners of their background knowledge, (http://www.matefl .org/_mgxroot/page_10667.html, accessed 3 July 2008).

There are some ideas how to use pictures in the classroom, they are:

Some themes can be illustrated here, give the student’s responsibility to choose or create pictures, ex. pictures where they have visited and then they write meaningful description about it. The other activity, teacher asks the students to carry out the personal photo about their family. Have the students write a few sentences about the photo, then collect and mix them. Give them randomly to the students to guess which photos match the description. Mount them on the board; the activity aim is to encourage the students to use the present continues along with a variety of prepositions to describe their photo. Their familiarity with the context of the photo enables them to write paragraph of description with the little form or prompting from the teacher.

Partners A and B are each given a folder in which contains a picture of a person, situation or place. The teacher should have 10 to 15 pictures, and some should be similar to each other to complicate the task. The partners ask each other questions to elicit a description of the pictures. After 8 to 10 minutes of questioning, the teacher collects all the pictures (partners have not seen each other’s) and sets them out along the ledge of the chalkboard. Some extra pictures can be added if appropriate to make the exercise more difficult. Students then proceed to find their partner’s correct choice. It is a good idea to allow each student only a single guess to ensure serious questioning rather than simply relying on the process of elimination. The student who needs the fewest questions could be declared the winner. As a follow-up, the class may discuss what information was most helpful in locating a particular picture. This exercise may be used to reinforce the use of the question words Who, What, Where, When, How many, what kind of and How. Because they cannot see the picture, the students rely on skills of inference and interpretation. They must collect information and draw conclusions.

3). Giving Titles to Painting

Giving titles to painting: In some course books, you find this exercise and I often cannot interpret the actual painting let alone give it a title. The difference being here is that you can choose works of art that you like and therefore they are more likely to be of interest to the students. Bring in several different kinds of paintings, pictures. Try to select paintings, which depict accessible scenes. You may tell them the real title after, if you know it, but it is not necessary. This activity does not focus on a specific aspect of grammar, but it stimulates students to synthesize as they struggle to create a title that aptly summarizes the various strands of a painting.

Other ideas include; Advertising Captions, Memory exercises, Cutting out shapes, Posters and Postcards. Supporting the line above, Ryan (1993: 4-5) in order to make the optimum amount of the students experience from pictures, pictures have to be selected and should have criteria:

1) It has to be Appropriate

For example, the following criteria will need to be considered: (1) age of students; (2) geographic locale of usage; (3) past real experiences of students; and (4) past vicarious (by watching and reading something) experiences of students.

2) It has to be appropriately Sequential

That is, the content of the picture has to have some consistency/commonality with the experience-base of the students. That is, when the teacher is selecting a visual, the background experiences of children will be a determining factor in that selecting process

3) It has to be appropriately Complex

We need to avoid simplicity, or visuals, which easy to guess that are not interesting to the students. If the visual does not have some complexity, then children will simply to cut their perceptions from the images into their already existing cognitive categories and no learning, no seeing, occurs, (http://www.mun. ca/educ /faculty /mwatch//vol2/ryan2.html, accessed 3 July 2008)

4) Size

Larger pictures attract readers to an accompanying article more
effectively than smaller pictures or no pictures, and draw readers deeper into the article. A larger picture also increases recall of facts from the article it accompanies. Increasing picture size also increases attention to the picture. A large picture is considered 18% to 26% of a page. The reader is more likely to read text accompanied by a large photo.

5) Colour

Pictures in realistic color are more effective than black-and-white. Color photographs often convey important information not available in black-and-white photographs. Color also appeals more to learners and increases motivation to read accompanying text.

6) Picture Content

Pictures help readers learn and comprehend text. For example, pictures increase comprehension when they are: (1) illustrating information central to the text; (2) illustrating new content important to the overall message being presented; (3) helping depict the structural relationships covered by the text; and (4) adding more meaning to the text, such as in a diagram or illustration.

7) Captions

Pictures can be interpreted many different ways. Without captions, readers may have trouble understanding what information a photograph is trying to convey. Captions should be used with pictures to help the reader interpret the information and place it in proper reference (Tatum, 2008: 1-2, at /eet/article/using_ picture /index. Htm, accessed 3 July 2008)

C. Research Method

In the research, the researcher used Classroom Action Research method. Here, the research method conducted some elements of the concept of CAR, design of CAR, and the reasons, why the researcher used classroom action research in the study.

CAR (Classroom Action Research (CAR) was a method of finding out what works best in a class in order to improve student learning. CAR was more systematic and database than personal reflection, but was more informal and personal than formal research, (Mettetal 2001: 1) furthermore, he says that some steps in the Classroom Action Research include: (1) asking a question or identify a problem; (2) reviewing the literature; (3) planning a research strategy; (4) gathering data, (5) making sense of data; (6) making decisions about teaching strategies; and (7) sharing of finding.

In addition, design of Classroom Action Research was presented by (Kemmiss and Taggart 1988) in Hopkins (1993: 48) says that five steps in the modeling method of the research namely: (1) planning; (2) acting; (3) observing; (4) reflecting; and (5) revising of planning.

Figure 5 Classroom Action Research Procedure adapted from (Kemmis and Taggart 1988) in Hopkin (1993: 48)

Here the researcher conducted 2 cycles to the research; the first cycle covered five meetings to solve the problems in the preliminary. The second cycle covered five meetings to solve the problem which be recommended from the first cycle. The researcher could not continue in third cycle because the subjects had to be prepared in the final examination test intensively.

There were some reasons why the researcher used classroom action research in the study. He used a classroom action research because, to find the solution of the problems finding in preliminary research significantly. The researcher wanted to change the practice in teaching learning in the classroom. As long as the researcher taught there, English teachers never used picture media as a technique in teaching English. Here, the researcher considered the solutions when it was applied might not be going as the planning, but he tried to do it effectively, so the solution gave better and more functionally.

Furthermore, based on the three descriptions of action research were presented by Carr and Kemmis in Adam (2006: 3), the research conducted some issues such as: (1) the improvement of practice; (2) the improvement of the understanding of practice; and (3) the improvement of the situation in which the practice takes place. Then, they say that action research can be used to understand : (1) one’s own practice; (2) how to make one’s practice better; (3) how to accommodate outside change in one’s practice; and (4) how to change the outside in order to make one’s practice better.

D. Facts Findings and Discussion

Pictures can develop the student’s writing capability very effectively, especially in constructing of descriptive texts. Using picture in teaching learning, it can develop the mastery of writing descriptive text. It happens in the process of writing descriptive text, especially in the genre-based approach including BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT.

In the stage of building knowledge of the texts, teachers use pictures. The pictures are stuck on the wall and the students get the description of the pictures. Then, the students based on the description texts look for and guess the picture that have matched with it and stuck the description in the below of the pictures. The students to know the meaning of the parts of plants used pictures, easily and quickly, at /eet/article/using_ picture /index. Htm.

The students know the topic of the lesson this day more effectively and easily use pictures. The benefit of the steps that the students can arouse, explore, and recall a lot of vocabulary used pictures. Some students just be aware of a picture can represents many meanings and make them have many and new vocabularies. However, there are also weaknesses found in the pictures. Not all picture can represent some words in English language especially in abstract words. Some students have not known and understood about the objects in the pictures which are difficulties for them to explore and recall the vocabulary. For those reasons, it is very important and necessary for the teachers to select appropriate pictures which are suitable with materials and the students levels.

In the stage of modeling of text, the teacher distributes descriptive texts related to the pictures about some plants. The students have to know the title of the text, which indicates the topics and general statements. Furthermore, the teacher asks the students to observe the description text, which covers about the topic such as physical appearance of animals and plants, their habitat, food of animals and species of plants, their characteristics, their life spans, and their capability for animals and their product for plants. (Mukarto, 2004: 7). In addition, the students have to find part of speech from the text that related to the pictures, which have been distributed before. Based on the texts, it is helpful the students to write similar descriptive texts. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to be able to provide appropriate texts to the students. Unfortunately, the students and the teachers in general are lack of texts, which are different types and topics. It is better for the teacher to enrich their knowledge, science and update about the texts by exploring internet, reading books, magazine, and newspapers.

In the stage of joint construction of text, the students can start practicing to write some simple sentences similar to the model and pictures, which had been learned before. The students can write sentences of description of objects by completing the table of outline covered the title, general statements, and characteristics of objects, which guided them to write texts. After completing the table of the outline, students really have a bridging for practicing in writing. It is helpful for them who felt blank, strained, anxious, and even desperate longer because they can learn systematically and started from simple to complex of processing to write texts. In the writing process, the experiences, observations, and interactions of the students have prior to entering the classroom have an influent of what they will write and how they will write it. To initiate thinking and generate possible writing topics, it is important for students to explore their ideas for writing topics using a variety of pre-writing strategies. They are such as the following: (1) brainstorming; (2) interviewing a person knowledgeable about the topic;(3) engaging in peer or teacher-student discussions and conferences; (4) free writing or timed free writing about the topic; (5) viewing media such as pictures, movies, and television; and (6) asking the 5 wh-s—who, what, where, when and why Malley and Pierce (1996: 139). For the reason, teacher should give, provide, and select appropriate design activities or process of writing which helped them be able to practice writing easily.

Furthermore, some of techniques to write effectively is needed and important which the students can write something and the readers can read their products nice and enjoyable.. The students have opportunity to enjoy their description, identify the tense used, underline the verbs, adjective, and learn new vocabulary. The students will enjoy their description by knowing the content of description and study more about part of speech, tenses. It will help them to write a paragraph description using their own words easily. In addition, it helps them to develop their new vocabulary and ideas by describing the events, facts, and feeling, which happened in their environment and surroundings. Some techniques which help the students to write well, namely: (1) write a descriptive text based on the picture; (2) get data by interviewing someone and change the data into a descriptive text; (3) observe an object and make it a descriptive text; (4) make a picture based on a descriptive text read by the teacher or classmate; (5) make an imaginary creature and write the description, then describe it orally to classmate who will draw a picture based on the oral description; (6) contras or similarity the objects or first compare, then contrast (or vice versa); (7) first do one idea, then do the other; (8) write only about the comparable and contrastable elements of each idea; and (9) only compare or only contrast, (Cogdill 2007: 1-3) at http://leostcloudstat cad write/ compar contrast .html

In the stage independent construction of text, students are provided opportunities to express their own ideas, experiences, knowledge, and feeling. They can write in the frame or outline which have completed before. Based on the outline, they can encourage, develop their own potential and creativity. Here they have to write a text, which uses characteristics of descriptive texts included of elements writing. The characteristics of descriptive texts are (1) think or focus of a particular situation, event, and fact in general that you want to describe; (2) why this particular instance importance is; (3) describe its characteristics, parts, or qualities; (4) where object located in relation to where you were; (5) How the surroundings reminded you of other places you have been; (6) use your senses to describe the particular thing, describe how to it sight, tastes, look like, sounds, feels, smells, it is like at that time and before, English Team 2006:53. Furthermore, Everett1997:1 says that there are some technique to develop the description text include: (1) what you want the reader to feel after reading the paper; (2) use descriptive words: adjective and adverbs; (3) you can think of another situation that was similar to the one you are writing about, and how it can help explain what you are writing about; and (4) is there enough detail in your essay to create a mental image for the reader?, at http://leostcloudstate. edu/acadwrite /descriptive.html.

The improvement of motivation and interest of the students can be seen in during of process teaching and learning in the classroom, they are very happy to get some color pictures. By using the pictures, make them more active and creative in making the outline, which it help them to write draft more easily. In addition, picture can improve their relationship among the students, especially in discussing to complete the new vocabulary task and make the simple sentences as the basic of writing description text. In another one picture can make the students want to give pay attention and to take part of the lesson, Andrew Wright (1989: 17).

In addition, before the strategy is applied, the students have low motivation. They are noisy, no active, and no creative, and no care with the lesson while the teacher is explaining the subjects of the lesson in the classroom. They often come late in the school, if they have homework, almost of them do not work on time. However, the condition is changed; the changing of the student’s behavior can be seen from their activity during in teaching learning in the classroom or outside. They become active and creative in discussion in their group after the strategy is applied, they always try to finish the tasks on time, and attend the English classroom more enthusiastic, Ryan (1993: 4).

Furthermore, cooperative studying among the students can improve their motivation to be active and creative in the classroom. Their activities, which improve in cooperative studying with their friends, are discussing the picture in labeling words, discussing the contents of texts, discussing of making the outline, replacing the jumble picture in good position. Enhance, discussing picture also can stimulate some questions related to some topics, for example the teacher asks the students to write description of a picture or to invent the conversation taking place between two people, Jeremy Harmer (2001: 134-136)

The picture can develop the student’s discussion and raise the communication among the students significantly. It could be seen in some activities not only in cycle 1 but also in cycle 2. They are finishing the tasks, formulating the outline and developing their draft. Wright (1989: 17) says that picture can stimulate and provide information to be referred to in conversation, discussion, and storytelling; the picture is relatively cheaper cost, can provide the students with information to refer to including objects, action, event and relationships; and picture can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions through controlled practice. In another one, picture can be used to explore the students concepts and ideas in discussing a certain objects that the discussion run well in panning and the goal. It can inspire the students to discuss about a topic, looking at multiple aspects and contexts, (Technical Advisory Service for Image, 2008: 1, at ce/using use-examples.html).

The improvement of the student’s behavior and attitude is shown when she join in English classroom with their attendance full in almost every cycle of the study. They also give feedback and their opinion to help the teacher by giving some pictures, opinion, and suggestion. They feel that the pictures are cheaper and easier to finds in their environments. They are also happy to carry out the picture in the classroom and sometimes, they take it home after the class over. Pat McCarthy (1992: 1) says advantages of using posters or flip charts are: (1) easy and inexpensive to make and update; (2) portable and transportable; and (3) good for interaction with the audience.

In addition, improvement of the performance of the students can be seen when they help each other and their teacher in joining in the study. They can observe the picture quickly, and easier. They feel that picture is cheaper and easier to find in their environments. They can find the picture from the book, magazine, explore the internet, etc. Furthermore, based on the questionnaire and interview they can enjoy teaching and learning in the classroom-using picture that they never got it before. It harmony with the Wright (1989: 17 that picture is relatively cheaper cost, can provide the students with information to refer to including objects, action, event and relationships; and picture can cue responses to questions or cue substitutions through controlled practice. Finally, teacher’s role is very important to improve the student’s writing capability. The teacher can use some variety of the pictures and get them from the some sources in teaching learning process. The teacher should have more creative, active and innovative, and the students will become more interested and motivated in joining English lesson in teaching learning not only in the classroom but also in outside.

The improvement of their attitude, the students have opportunity to express their own ideas, experience, and performance in their writing without intervention from the others students or teacher. They can develop their thinking , their skill , and their desire in writing text. By describing objects or things they can express their opinion from many different viewpoints, stimulate them to write a story/poem about that image - enhancing creative and language skills, and encourage the students to become independents learners, (Technical Advisory Service for Image, 2008: 1, at ples.html)

Based on the illustration above, the researcher try to summarize that picture has a semantic or meaning point of view, which corresponds to the facts it in description writing. It provides an opportunity for non-verbal response, it means that the students can predict what is the kind of the texts type or genre and recognize the meaning more quickly, that the picture will be clearly, authentically and be easy to illustrate the general idea and forms of an object or action. The result of these, the students can write coherent, contextual, and acceptable sentences into paragraph based on their experiences, knowledge, diary, trip of journey, and ideas. In addition, picture has a syntactic or grammar/mechanic point of view, which represents an object and conveys a predication about this object. Here, the picture is used to in recombination practice by giving questions and answers works, substitution, and transformations that the students must adapt the basic sentence pattern of the language. Essentially, the activities challenge the students to recall and to manipulate the language forms correctly. The activities, help the students can write grammatically sentences, spelling, and punctuation correctly. Furthermore, picture has a pragmatic point of view that must be an intention to make on the part of the addresser of the pictorial message. Here, picture is used to describe of objects, person, places, or things by completing table of outline contain of names, characteristic, capability, activity of them. Essentially, the activity to lead them to write sentences into paragraph based on the process of writing; planning, drafting, reviewing, and preparing go to public. In this case, it is suggested that English teachers should teach the students by using pictures follow the stages of BKOF, MOT, JCOT, and ICOT in the study, in order to improve their writing capability, at srb/srb/pictures.html.

E. Conclusion

Based on the findings in conducting the picture to improve the students’ writing capability in descriptive text, the researcher tries to make some conclusion from several points of view. The main conclusion of the study is the implementation of using picture is some ways.

Firstly, pictures can develop the student’s writing capability very effectively, in the stage of building knowledge of the texts. The pictures in some activities can help the students get the description of the objects, people, or things. Then, the students based on the description texts look for and guess the picture that have be matched with them and stuck the description in the below of the pictures. By using the picture, the students know the meaning of the parts of objects and the topic of the lesson easily, effective and quickly. In addition, the benefit of the picture will help the students to explore and recall a lot of vocabulary. The students are aware that a picture can represent many meanings and make them have many new of the vocabulary. In the stage of modeling of text, descriptive texts which be supported by the pictures can help the students to know the title of the text, the topics, general statements, and identification of the text more easily. In addition, using picture and texts help the students know part of speech of words more quickly. Based on the texts and the pictures, they are helpful the students to write similar descriptive texts. Therefore, it is very important for the teacher to be able to provide appropriate texts to the students. In the stage of joint construction of text, the students can start practicing in writing simple sentences similar to the model and picture. The students can write sentences of description of objects by completing the table of an outline covers the title, general statements, and characteristics of objects that guided them to write texts. After completing the table, students really have a bridging for practicing writing. It is helpful for them who felt blank, strained, anxious, and even desperate longer because they can learn gradually and started from simple to complex of processing to write texts. In the writing process, the experiences, observations, and interactions of the students have prior to entering the classroom have an influent of what they will write and how they will write it. Because of this, initiate thinking and generate possible writing topics is important for students to explore ideas for writing topics using a variety of pre-writing strategies, such as the following: (1) brainstorming; (2) interviewing a person knowledgeable about the topic;(3) engaging in peer or teacher-student discussions and conferences; (4) free writing or timed free writing about the topic; (5) viewing media such as pictures, movies, and television; and (6) asking the 5 wh-s—who, what, where, when and why. In the stage independent construction of text, students are provided opportunities to express their own ideas but of course they write in the frame that has learned before that is outline have completed before. Based on the outline, they can encourage, develop their own potential and creativity. Here they have to write a text used characteristics of descriptive texts included of elements writing attentions. The characteristics of descriptive texts are: (1) think or focus of a particular situation, event, and fact in general that you want to describe, (2) why this particular instance importance is, (3) describe its characteristics, parts, or qualities, (4) Where object located in relation to where you were, (5) How the surroundings reminded you of other places you have been, (6) Use your senses to describe the particular thing, describe how to it sight, tastes, look like, sounds, feels, smells, it is like at that time and before, (7) What you want the reader to feel after reading the paper, (8) Use descriptive words: adjective and adverbs, (9) You can think of another situation that was similar to the one you are writing about, and how it can help explain what you are writing about, and (10) Is there enough detail in your essay to create a mental image for the reader?.

Secondly, the improvement of language elements show us significantly as part of the students writing capability that the student’s final draft is better than before, they feel that before using picture in writing English is difficult to finds topics and ideas, but after using the picture they can develop their experience and knowledge easier and effectively. They know much more about what the contents, organization, words choice, grammar, punctuation, spelling included their criteria’s. According to the knowledge and information and acquired them above, they are sure being able to write better than before.

Thirdly, improvement of the students in writing is also supported by their improvements vocabularies. The picture has a significant rule to improve the vocabulary of the students, improvement of the student’s vocabulary make them to write a paragraph effectively uses vivid words and phrases. They can write paragraphs relax, enjoyable, and acceptable which make the reader do not distract to know their concept, ideas, and opinion. Using picture is one of techniques to develop vocabularies. In short, developing vocabulary can be done in some ways, they can explore some sources of pictures, and materials have to be needed. The students and the teacher are realized, by collecting the pictures will help them to develop their expression not only in aspects of language but also in aspects of psychology.

Finally, the improvement of motivation and interest of the students can be seen in during process of teaching and learning in the classroom. They are very happy to get some color pictures. They are more active and creative in making the outline, it is also make them improve their relationship among them, especially in discussing to complete the new vocabulary task and make the simple sentences as the basic of writing description text. In another one, picture can make the students want to give pay attention and to take part of the lesson more enthusiastic.

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